Grant manager: leisa govan Ph 8961 9005, 12noon to 3pm Mon to Thurs
Address 2, 1 Travers Street, Coconut Grove
Email raf@darwincommunityarts.org.au
About the Regional Arts Fund
The Regional Arts Fund is part of the Australian Government’s Arts and Cultural Development Program that supports participation in, and access to, Australia’s arts and culture through developing and supporting cultural expression.
The Regional Arts Fund is managed by Regional Arts Australia (RAA) on behalf of the Australian Government, and managed in the Northern Territory by Darwin Community Arts Inc, a not-for-profit, incorporated association that focuses on grassroots community arts and cultural development.
Grant types
Quick Response Grants
Quick Response Grants are intended to assist regional artists, arts organisations and communities to take up professional or skills development or small project opportunities. There are 10 rounds from February to November.
Project Grants
The Project Grants stream supports applications that benefit the community, increase access and participation, and/or provide direct benefits to artists/arts workers. There are two rounds a year.
Important Resources
The current guidelines and eligibility documents are available at the Regional Arts Australia website
RAF Recipient Logo Pack
Got a query not answered above? check our FAQs
What is ‘Auspice’?
Regional Arts Australia requires grant applicants falling under the following categories to be auspiced by a legally constituted organisation (check the eligibility document):
- Unincorporated community groups
- Young people under the age of 18
In the budget, what is In-kind?
In-kind support is a dollar amount of the support that you get without paying or at a discounted rate.
Some examples are:
Item -what is being provided? | Source – where is it coming from? | $ value of contribution |
2 weeks of studio space | zxy awesome arts organisation | 500 |
gifted art supplies | family member | 100 |
discounted car hire | cool car buzness | 300 |
What does a ‘letter of support’ mean?
This is a currently dated letter (or email) from the a project partner, supporter of the project or artist involved, that they know about your project and details of any support they are providing (either paid or in-kind).
To give your application the best chance, ask for these as soon as possible. It is best to make a screenshot of an email rather than copy and paste it into a word style document.
When will I know if I am successful or not?
Quick Response Round applicants are notified through smarty grants by the end of the 5th business day. Check your junk/spam folder or search for ‘service@smartygrants.com.au’
Project Grant Round applicants are notified up to three months from the round closing.
What if I am successful but a named participating artist can’t be in the project anymore?
In general it is ok to put in a variation, send us an email or give us a call and we can add a variation form to your smarty grants portal.